One DB per developer or not?

The days when database environments should be scarce are long gone. I'm writing this posting on a XW9300 with 5x15k SCSI disks in it. This machine will run a substantial ETL job in a fairly reasonable length of time and (in mid-2007) cost me about £1,700 on ebay including the disks. From a developer's perspective, especially on database centric projects like data warehousing, the line between a developer and a DBA is quite blurred. As I write this I am building a partition management framework for a SQL Server 2005 data warehouse.

Developers should have one or more development databases of their own for (IMO) these reasons:

  • Requires people to keep stored procedures, patch scripts and schema definition files in source control. Applying the patches can be automated to a fairly large extent. There are even tools such as Redgate SQL Compare Pro that do much of the grunt work for this.

  • Encourages an application architecture that facilitates easy configuration management and deployment, as people have to deploy onto their own workstations. Many deployment wrinkles will get sorted out long before they hit production or people even realise they could have gone wrong.

  • Avoids developers tripping up on each other's work. On something like a data warehouse where people are working with ETL code this is an even bigger win.

  • It encourages a degree of responsibility as developers have to learn basic database administration. This also eliminates a lot of the requirements for operational support staff and some of the dev-vs. ops friction.

  • If you have your own database, there are no gatekeepers obstructing experimentation or other work on it. The politics around managing 'servers' disappear as there are no 'servers'. This is a productivity win in an any environment with significant incumbent bureaucracy.

  • For small data volumes an ordinary PC is fast enough for this. Developer editions or licencing are available for most if not all database management systems and will run on a desktop O/S. If you're working with Linux or Unix this is even less of an issue. For larger data volumes, up to and including most MIS applications, a workstation like an HP XW9400 or Lenovo D10 can be outfitted with 5 15k disks for less than the cost of a lot of professional development tooling. (Yes, I know it's dual licence, but a commercial all-platform licence for QT is about £4000 a seat). A machine like this will run an ETL process with 10's to 100's of millions of rows faster than you might think.

  • It facilitates setting up more than one environment for smoke testing or reconciliation purposes. As you have complete control over the machine, you have quite a lot of scope for mocking up conditions in a production environment. For example, I once made a simple emulator for Control-M by just bodging some of its runtime scripts. Where you have this level of control and transparency over the environment you can produce a fairly robustly tested deployment process which does quite a lot to eliminate opportunities for finger-pointing in production deployment.

I've seen small teams working with 14 environments, and had 7 active on a workstation at the same time. On database heavy work such as ETL, where you're with with whole tables, working in a single dev environment is a recipe for time wastage or spending your time walking on eggshells.

Also, you can use single user development licences for database platforms, which can save you the cost of the workstations just in database licencing. Most developer licences (Microsoft and OTN are a couple of examples I'm familiar with) will let you use the system on a single workstation for a single developer free or for a nominal price.

Conversely, licencing terms on shared development servers are often somewhat murky and I've seen vendors try to shake customers down for licencing on dev servers on more than one occasion.

Ideally, yes, each developer should have a "sandbox" development environment, so they can test their code even before deploying it to a shared testing/staging environment.

Each developer's environment should run scripted tests that reset the database to a known state. This is impossible to do in a shared environment.

The cost of giving each developer their own instance is less than the cost of the chaos resulting from multiple developers trying to test volatile changes together in a shared environment.

On the other hand, in many IT shops the system uses complex infrastructure, involving multiple application servers or multiple physical nodes. Then the economics change; it's less expensive for people to cooperate and avoid stepping on each other's work than it would be to replicate it for each developer. Especially true if you integrate expensive third-party systems that don't give you licenses for multiple development environments.

So the answer is yes and no. :-) Do give each developer their own environment if that environment can be reproduced inexpensively.

If you all share the same database, you might have some issues if someone make a structure change to the database and that the code is not "Synchronized" with it.

I highly recommend one DB per developer for the only reason that you don't want to do "write" test to see someone else override you right after. A simple exemple? You try to display product for a website. Everything works until all the products disappear. Problem? Another developer decided to play with the "Active" flag of the product to test something else. In cases like that, a transaction might not even work. End of the story, you spend time debugging for someone else action.

I highly recommend replicating the staging database to the developer database once in a while to synchronize the structure (or better, have a tool to rebuild a database from scratch).

Of course, we require scripts for changes to the database and EVERYTHING is in a Source Control.

Each of our developers has a fully functional database. Changes are scripted and source controlled like any other code.