One flex/grid item sets the height limit for siblings

Yes, it is possible. Leave the sibling setting the max height alone and set the others' flex-basis: 0 and flex-grow: 1, which according to the spec will expand them to their sibling's height. No absolute positioning. No setting height on any elements.

main {
  display: flex;

section {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  width: 7em;
  border: thin solid black;
  margin: 1em;

:not(.limiter)>div {
  flex-basis: 0px;
  flex-grow: 1;
  overflow-y: auto;
    <div>I'm longer and will scroll my overflow. in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text
      in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in</div>

  <section class="limiter">
    <div>Every parent's siblings match my height. in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text</div>

    <div>I'm shorter but still match the height. in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text in flow text</div>

Is there any way to accomplish this with Flexbox?

Basically, no. The flex equal heights feature is based on the height of the container, not any particular sibling.

So sibling-1 and sibling-2 can always be equal height.

But flexbox has no built-in mechanism to limit the height of items to the height of one sibling.

Consider JavaScript or CSS positioning properties.

Here's an example using absolute positioning:

.flex {
  display: flex;
  width: 200px;
  position: relative;

.flex>div {
  flex: 0 0 50%;
  border: 1px solid black;
  box-sizing: border-box;

.sibling-2 {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  overflow: auto;
<div class="flex">
  <div class="sibling-1">text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br></div>
  <div class="sibling-2">text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br>text<br></div>


Yes you can accomplish this by making siblings 1 and 2 also flex containers, then on sibling-2 make an absolute div (also flex container) inside that will be the parent of your scroller

<div class="sibling-1 flex sibling"></div>
<div class="sibling-2 flex sibling">
    <div class="absolute flex scroller-wrap">
        <div class="relative vertical-scroller">
            your content here







on sibling 2 just set a minimum height on pixels - useful on responsive cases if siblings 1 and 2 stack each other on mobile



