Only run task if another isn't UP-TO-DATE in gradle

Having faced the same problem I found a very clean solution. In my case I want an eclipse project setup to be generated when the build is run, but only at the times when a new jar is generated. No project setup should be executed when the jar is up to date. Here is how one can accomplish that:

tasks.eclipse {
  onlyIf {

build {
  dependsOn tasks.eclipse

I ended up writing to a 'failure file' and making that an input on the serverRun task:

File serverTrigger = project.file("${buildDir}/trigger") 

project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { TaskExecutionGraph taskGraph ->
  // make the serverRun task have the same inputs/outputs + extra trigger
  serverRun.inputs.files(funcTestTask.inputs.files, serverTrigger)

project.gradle.taskGraph.afterTask { Task task, TaskState state ->
  if ( == "funcTestTask" && state.failure) {
    serverRun.trigger << new Date()

With information from an answer to my question on the Gradle forums :


