Only shown problematic packets in WireShark

The only notion Wireshark has of "error" as a generic concept is the notion of "expert info" items with a severity level of "error" (which is the highest level of severity).

To find all packets with that type of "expert info" item, use the display filter

expert.severity == error

in Wireshark 1.10.x and earlier and == error

in Wireshark 1.12 and later.

However, that will only show errors if the Wireshark dissector for the protocol where there's the error has code that looks for the error in question and, if it finds it, adds an expert info item for that error. (Wireshark is a dumb piece of software, not a clever networking expert that can detect errors other than the ones it's been written to detect.)

Sample more specific error filters: == Malformed != Ok ~ "A new tcp session is started with the same ports"
  1. Group names:

    Checksum, Sequence, Response, Request, Undecoded, Reassemble, Malformed, Debug, Protocol, Security, Comment

  2. Severity levels:

    Error, Warn, Note, Chat, Comment, Ok

  3. Messages

    Can be looked up on a packet content view on sample problematic packet, in the analysis section in Expert Info node. E.g. Transmission Control Protocol/[SEQ/ACK analysis]/[TCP Analysis Flags]/[Expert Info]

This builds on the answer by user164970

