Open application in specific workspace

Note: This answer was written for systems running the Compiz window manager (default in Ubuntu 7.04 to 17.04). For versions of Ubuntu using Gnome Shell see this answer.

  1. Install compizconfig-settings-manager:

    sudo apt install compizconfig-settings-manager
  2. Go to Window Management -> Place Windows -> Fixed Window Placement

  3. Under Windows with fixed viewport click on new

    • class=NameOfYourProgram (Here the spelling is important. Better use the green plus sign and "Grab" this parameter in the resulting window)
    • Position : {1,1}top left; {1,2}bottom left, ...
    • example opens Gnome-terminal in bottom right workspace : enter image description here

More information on

Install the Gnome extension "Auto Move Windows".

  1. The package should come with Ubuntu, otherwise sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
  2. Open Tweaks
  3. Go to Extensions
  4. Configure and Activate Auto Move Windows

Devilspie does a wonderful job of controlling how your windows launch, no matter what.