Open containing directory in Windows Explorer from IntelliJ

Just wanted to add to Simon B's answer that based on this article for selecting the file in addition to opening its parent folder in step 8 change "$FileDir$" to "/select, $FilePath$"

As of version 2016.2 you can press Alt+F1 while in the editor and navigate to different view. Choose "Show in file manager". You can even navigate to a corresponding pom.xml from Maven view. Powerful, indeed.

You can try one of these plugins:

  • "OpenContainingFolder"
  • "Open containing folder in a File Explorer"

Just padding out Peter Lawrey's answer, for Intellij 12.n on Windows 7 the steps for adding explorer as an external program would be:

  1. File > Settings > External Tools
  2. Click on the Plus (+) in the
  3. Name: Open Containing Folder
  4. Group: [select group]
  5. Description: Open Containing Folder
  6. Unselect "Open Console"
  7. Program: explorer [or] C:\Windows\System32\explorer.exe
  8. Parameters: $FileDir$
  9. Working Directory: [leave blank]
  10. Click OK

You can then add the External Tool as a keyed short cut through File > Settings > Keymap

Right clicking on a source file External Tools->Open Containing Folder is another way to use this tool. enter image description here