open file with python 3 code example

Example 1: python make txt file

file = open("text.txt", "w") 
file.write("Your text goes here") 
'r' open for reading (default)
'w' open for writing, truncating the file first
'x' open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists
'a' open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists

Example 2: python write to file

path = "guide/README.txt" # The path of your file should go here
with open(path, "w") as fil: # Opens the file using 'w' method. See below for list of methods.
  fil.write("This is the README. It is reccomended that you read it.") # Writes to the file used .write() method
  fil.close() # Closes file
List of methods:
w* - replace everything with needed text
r^ - read the file
a* - adds to file
x - creates file

* Creates file if the file at that path does not exist
^ Throws error if file does not exist