Open Keyboard and/or DatePickerIOS when TextInput touched in React Native

I am using DatePickerIOS, here is example how would I do it:

import React, {
} from "react-native";

var moment = require('moment');

class AddChildVisit extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            date: new Date(),
            showDatePicker: false 

    render() {
        var showDatePicker = this.state.showDatePicker ?
                style={{ height: 150 }}
                date={} onDateChange={(date)=>this.setState({date})}
                mode="date"/> : <View />
        return (
                <Text>Visit Date</Text>
                <TouchableOpacity style={{height: 40, width: 300, padding: 4, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1}}
                                  onPress={() => this.setState({showDatePicker: !this.state.showDatePicker})}>


module.exports = AddChildVisit;

When you press TouchableOpacity, datepicker will show because you trigger flag to show it, and if you press it again, it will close. I also use moment to print date because I was getting error that I can't put object in text component etc. For this example to work you need to install moment, you can do it like this: npm install moment --save , I already used it in code example above, you can see var moment = require('moment'), and again in printing date in text {moment('DD/MM/YYYY')}. If you don't want to install/use it, just remove lines with moment from my example - but your date won't be printed then. I'm not really sure how would I call date picker with TextInput because it has to trigger keyboard, and when I have date picker I don't really need keyboard. I hope it helps :)