Open URL under cursor in Vim with browser
If you are using Vim 7.4 or later, in normal mode, put your cursor below the URL, then click gx
, the URL will be opened in browser automatic
Updated: from tpope's tweet today
Press gx
. You can customize the browser. On Gnome and Mac OS X it's already use gnome-open
. Generally you can set g:netrw_browsex_viewer
to anything you want.
Original answer:
Don't remember where I get this function. There is a bug with hash (#) in the url, but the function works well enough that I won't bother fixing it.
function! HandleURL()
let s:uri = matchstr(getline("."), '[a-z]*:\/\/[^ >,;]*')
echo s:uri
if s:uri != ""
silent exec "!open '".s:uri."'"
echo "No URI found in line."
map <leader>u :call HandleURL()<cr>
Note: If you are not on the Mac, use gnome-open
for Linux, or 'path to your web browser' for Windows