Open webcam settings dialog in Windows

Thanks to Fishcake's answer, I was able to find a program that offers command-line access to the same ISpecifyPropertyPages interface as AForge's DisplayPropertyPage, and thus allows us to open the dialog: ffmpeg.

  1. Download an ffmpeg Windows executable (e.g. from zeranoe) and expand bin\ffmpeg.exe into a directory, e.g. c:\utils
  2. Start a cmd prompt and change to that directory: cd \utils
  3. Find the exact name of your device, either from Control Panel | Devices and Printers or by running ffmpeg:

    C:\utils>ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy -hide_banner
    [dshow @ 0000022fd7ac8440] DirectShow video devices (some may be both video and audio devices)
    [dshow @ 0000022fd7ac8440]  "USB 2.0 CAMERA"
  4. Run ffmpeg to show the dialog:

    ffmpeg -f dshow -show_video_device_dialog true -i video="USB 2.0 CAMERA"

I know this thread is old but inspired from stevek_mcc's answer, I made a small script to launch the webcam settings dialog directly from Windows.

Github: webcam-settings-dialog-windows

Hope this could help someone!

I have written a little program to do this and also to allow saving camera settings in different profiles.

CamooZ at work...