OpenCV camera orientation issue

Ok, I found this as a solution:

First I get into class in the OpenCV Library - 2.4.5

and then in initializeCamera() function before mCamera.startPreview(); I added these 2 function:

            setDisplayOrientation(mCamera, 90);

and the first function implemented like this:

protected void setDisplayOrientation(Camera camera, int angle){
    Method downPolymorphic;
        downPolymorphic = camera.getClass().getMethod("setDisplayOrientation", new Class[] { int.class });
        if (downPolymorphic != null)
            downPolymorphic.invoke(camera, new Object[] { angle });
    catch (Exception e1)

I just reminding that I work with OpenCV.

Hope this help someone.

The problem is that the code that paints doesn't check the camera params. The Mat is drawn on the Surface view in the function "deliverAndDrawFrame" in the class "CameraBridgeViewBase".

With a very simple modification in the CameraBridgeViewBase class, we can make a function that rotates the way the bitmap is drawn.

int userRotation= 0;

public void setUserRotation(int userRotation) {
    this.userRotation = userRotation;

 * This method shall be called by the subclasses when they have valid
 * object and want it to be delivered to external client (via callback) and
 * then displayed on the screen.
 * @param frame - the current frame to be delivered
protected void deliverAndDrawFrame(CvCameraViewFrame frame) {
    Mat modified;

    if (mListener != null) {
        modified = mListener.onCameraFrame(frame);
    } else {
        modified = frame.rgba();

    boolean bmpValid = true;
    if (modified != null) {
        try {
            Utils.matToBitmap(modified, mCacheBitmap);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Mat type: " + modified);
            Log.e(TAG, "Bitmap type: " + mCacheBitmap.getWidth() + "*" + mCacheBitmap.getHeight());
            Log.e(TAG, "Utils.matToBitmap() throws an exception: " + e.getMessage());
            bmpValid = false;

    if (bmpValid && mCacheBitmap != null) {
        Canvas canvas = getHolder().lockCanvas();
        if (canvas != null) {
            canvas.drawColor(Color.parseColor("#8BC34A"), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
 //this is the rotation part
            canvas.rotate(userRotation,  (canvas.getWidth()/ 2),(canvas.getHeight()/ 2));

            if (mScale != 0) {
                canvas.drawBitmap(mCacheBitmap, new Rect(0,0,mCacheBitmap.getWidth(), mCacheBitmap.getHeight()),
                     new Rect((int)((canvas.getWidth() - mScale*mCacheBitmap.getWidth()) / 2),
                     (int)((canvas.getHeight() - mScale*mCacheBitmap.getHeight()) / 2),
                     (int)((canvas.getWidth() - mScale*mCacheBitmap.getWidth()) / 2 + mScale*mCacheBitmap.getWidth()),
                     (int)((canvas.getHeight() - mScale*mCacheBitmap.getHeight()) / 2 + mScale*mCacheBitmap.getHeight())), null);
            } else {
                 canvas.drawBitmap(mCacheBitmap, new Rect(0,0,mCacheBitmap.getWidth(), mCacheBitmap.getHeight()),
                     new Rect((canvas.getWidth() - mCacheBitmap.getWidth()) / 2,
                     (canvas.getHeight() - mCacheBitmap.getHeight()) / 2,
                     (canvas.getWidth() - mCacheBitmap.getWidth()) / 2 + mCacheBitmap.getWidth(),
                     (canvas.getHeight() - mCacheBitmap.getHeight()) / 2 + mCacheBitmap.getHeight()), null);

            if (mFpsMeter != null) {
                mFpsMeter.draw(canvas, 20, 30);
//remember to restore the canvas 

I tried the most common solution that use the Core.flip function that rotates the Mat but consumes a lot of resources, this solution doesn't affect to the detection and doesn't affect to the performance, only changes the way the image is drawn on the canvas.

Hope this help.