openvpn can't import configurations on new 14.04 installation

You're right, it is a network manager bug. But I (and you too) can get around it by running openvpn from the command line. You've probably done at least a few of these steps, but just in case (and for the benefit of others) I'll do a full step-by-step.

First install the required packages

sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome

Create Files These files must be kept safe and private at all times

  1. Make a directory called openvpn in your home directory Copy your VPN client file (renamed client.ovpn) into directory openvpn
  2. Optional: Keep an original copy of the file – call it client.ovpn.orig
  3. Next we will create 4 files under the openvpn directory.
  4. See the bottom of this file for how to automate the following steps
  5. Open the client.ovpn file in a text editor.
  6. Create a file called ca.crt – copy the text between <ca> and </ca> from client.ovpn into this file
  7. Create a file called client.crt – copy the text between <cert> and </cert> from client.ovpn into this file
  8. Create a file called client.key – copy the text between <key> and </key> from client.ovpn into this file
  9. Create a file called ta.key – copy the text between <tls-auth> and </tls-auth> from client.ovpn into this file At this point I have a total of 6 files under my openvpn directory (including the backup file)

5-9 I've just worked out how to do bash script. Whoop Copy the following into a text file:

sed '1,/<ca>/d;/<\/ca>/,$d' client.ovpn > ca.crt
sed '1,/<cert>/d;/<\/cert>/,$d' client.ovpn > client.crt
sed '1,/<key>/d;/<\/key>/,$d' client.ovpn > client.key
sed '1,/<tls-auth>/d;/<\/tls-auth>/,$d' client.ovpn > ta.key

I saved the file as openvpnconvert in the openvpn folder along with the client.ovpn file. Made it executable with the command chmod a+x:

chmod a+x openvpnconvert

And then ran it:


Modify the client.ovpn file

Just before the ## —–BEGIN RSA SIGNATURE—– line add the below lines and save

ca ca.crt
cert client.crt
key client.key
tls-auth ta.key

Finally, you need to run openvpn from the Command Line Interface (CLI)

cd into the openvpn folder

cd openvpn

Run openvpn, if you're using the filenames I specified, see below, otherwise use your filenames.

sudo openvpn --client --config ~/openvpn/client.ovpn --ca ~/openvpn/ca.crt

I'm currently running OpenVPN, which I set up using exactly these steps. Hope it works equally well for others.


Creating Files -

Running from the Command Line -

I thought the option was missing to, but it just moved. Choose add connection first, then instead of choosing OpenVPN (like i was doing), scroll down farther and choose last option "import a saved vpn..."

enter image description here

found the answer here -

I never tried to import these connection data, but I've used the following on different occasions:

  • place the whatever.conf together with the .crt file and the credentials in /etc/openvpn and start/stop the VPN connection with sudo service openvpn whatever start|stop

  • create the VPN connection through the NetworkManager by entering the connection data manually. The config file for the connection will be placed at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections and can be edited later.



