Operational amplifier as a comparator at high frequency

The recommendations for you are very simple.

  1. Use a comparator for this application instead of an opamp.

  2. Select a newer part that operates with orders of magnitude faster response time.

It would be the very best thing if the 741 could be eradicated from face of the earth.

Here is what can be achieved with the venerable LM393 at 5kHz. The shown circuit will work even up to about 50kHz before the delay of the LM393 starts to distort the PWM duty cycle.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Opamps work slowly with low power supply voltages. In addition they are designed to work in linear region. As saturated, like in your application, the response has an unpredictable dead time. before the internal saturation is vanished.

I can only repeat what's already said: Get a comparator. 741 was a remarkable step forward half a century ago, but things have developed better since those days.