Operator new in C# vs C++

Assuming Foo is a reference type like a class, the second code snippet basically just allocates a pointer. The equivalent C++ code would be

Foo* fooInstance;

Your snippets one and two are simply not equivalent.

We must discriminate between three cases:

  1. local variables
  2. (non-static) fields inside structs
  3. fields inside classes

For local variables, that is variables declared inside a method (or inside a constructor, or property/indexer/event accessor), the two are not equivalent:

class C
  void M()
    Foo fooInstance = new Foo();
    // the variable is "definitely assigned" and can be read (copied, passed etc)
    // consider using the 'var' keyword above!

class C
  void M()
    Foo fooInstance;
    // the variable is not "definitely assigned", you cannot acquire its value
    // it needs to be assigned later (or can be used as 'out' parameter)

For instance fields (non-static fields) inside a struct, only one of the "snippets" is allowed:

struct S
  Foo fooInstance = new Foo(); // compile-time error! cannot initialize here

struct S
  Foo fooInstance; // OK, access level is 'private' when nothing is specified

For fields inside a class (and static fields of a struct), the situation depends on whether Foo itself is a reference type (class) or a value type (struct or enum). The default value default(Foo) of a reference type is null, the reference that does not refer anything. The default value default(Foo) or a value type is the "instance" of the type where all fields have their default values. For value types (struct and enum), new Foo() (no arguments) and default(Foo) is the same thing. Therefore:

class C
  Foo fooInstance = new Foo(); // OK, private

class C
  Foo fooInstance; // OK, private
  // equivalent to 'Foo fooInstance = null;' if 'Foo' is a reference type (class, interface, delegate, array)
  // equivalent to 'Foo fooInstance = new Foo();' is 'Foo' is a value type (struct, enum)

It should be noted that if Foo is a reference type, the expression new Foo() is only allowed if the type actually has a constructor that takes 0 arguments, and if that constructor is accessible.

In (1) we disregarded the silly case where Foo is a struct with no instance fields.

The Second Creates Object of type Foo points to null in memeroy. The First points to new object using default constructor.

If you use the second and say fooInstance.SomeProperty = something. This will throw an exception as fooInstance points to null.