Optimal all-around character builds

I've refined it down to the following, and am very pleased with it so far. This is without the Lone Wolf talent, so I get all four characters (and their dialogue).

Roderick (Spotter, Talker, Looter, Thief)

Ranged (Bow/Crossbow) with Dexterity and Perception as main stats. This is the character I usually have active when opening containers or talking to NPCs. It was therefore also useful to have him be the one that picks locks and sneaks into rooms (and pockets).


  • Dexterity
  • Perception


  • Expert Marksman (with Tactical Retreat)
  • Bow/Crossbow (Crossbows are hard to find early on, so put a point into Bows to start with)
  • Lucky Charm
  • Charisma
  • Lockpicking
  • Sneaking
  • Pickpocketing
  • Telekinesis

Bartering I've found quite unnecessary due to finding plenty of loot (usually more than I could trade to merchants). You also get some from traits and items, so I wouldn't spend points on this.

If you have spare points, put them into the defensive abilities or add another spell line.


  • Pet Pal (I love these, and felt really sorry when I accidentally crushed a rat with a crate)
  • Light Stepper
  • All Skilled Up
  • Arrow Recovery

Traits (bold means take this side)

  • Pragmatic (Crafting) ⇔ Romantic (Lucky Charm)
  • Altruistic (Reputation) ⇔ Egotistical (Bartering)
  • Independent (Willpower) ⇔ Obedient (Willpower from Leadership)
  • Righteous (Leadership) ⇔ Renegade (Pickpocketing)
  • Bold (Initiative) ⇔ Cautious (Sneaking)
  • Spiritual (Fear Immunity) ⇔ Materialistic (Loremaster)
  • Compassionate (Crit Chance) ⇔ Heartless (Backstab Hit Chance)
  • Forgiving (Curse Immunity) ⇔ Vindictive (+Hit on AoO)
  • Blunt (Charm Immunity) ⇔ Considerate (Charisma)

Scarlett (Elements, Crafting, Loremaster)

4-Element caster, Crafter, Blacksmith (for repairing) and Loremaster. As starting spells I strongly recommend Midnight Oil, Flare and the hydrosophist heal.


  • Intelligence
  • Speed


  • Aerotheurge
  • Geomancer
  • Hydrosophist
  • Pyrokinetic
  • Two-handed (Staff)
  • Blacksmithing
  • Crafting

I did not put any points into Loremaster, because it's easy to get the first point early on and then identify enough jewelry to boost the Loremaster skill to 2 or 3, which is all I've needed so far.

No points in Leadership either, although I ended up with quite a few from items and traits.


  • Know-it-All
  • Scientist
  • All Skilled Up

Traits (bold means take this side)

  • Pragmatic (Crafting) ⇔ Romantic (Lucky Charm)
  • Altruistic (Reputation) ⇔ Egotistical (Bartering)
  • Independent (Willpower) ⇔ Obedient (Willpower from Leadership)
  • Righteous (Leadership) ⇔ Renegade (Pickpocketing)
  • Bold (Initiative) ⇔ Cautious (Sneaking)
  • Spiritual (Fear Immunity) ⇔ Materialistic (Loremaster)
  • Compassionate (Crit Chance) ⇔ Heartless (Backstab Hit Chance)
  • Forgiving (Curse Immunity) ⇔ Vindictive (+Hit on AoO)
  • Blunt (Charm Immunity) ⇔ Considerate (Charisma)