Optimizing Mathematica Code

Here is an optimized version of your function

ForwardProcedure[TM_, EM_, P_, N_, M_, Seq_] := Module[
 {DP, DPPart},
  DP = ConstantArray[0, {N, Length@Seq}];
  DP[[All, 1]] = P*EM[[All, Part[Seq, 1]]];
   DPPart = DP[[All, j - 1]].TM;
   DP[[All, j]] = DPPart*EM[[All, Seq[[j]]]];
   DP[[All, j]] = DP[[All, j]]*1/Total[DP[[All, j]]];
   , {j, 2, Length@Seq}

The general idea is to avoid explicit looping constructs, and try to have operations work on lists/arrays as a whole. On my machine this accelerated evaluation by about a factor 3. Feel free to ask about some of the changes.

Update: A version of Simon Woods's code using compile:

norm = Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}}, x/Total[x]]
ForwardProcedure = 
   {TM, _Real, 2},
   {EM, _Real, 2},
   {P, _Real, 1},
   {n, _Integer}, 
   {m2, _Integer},
   {Seq, _Integer, 1}
   {m = Transpose[EM][[Seq]]},
   Transpose@FoldList[norm[#1.TM #2] &, P First[m], Rest[m]]
  CompilationOptions -> {"InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True}

A version of mmeent's code in a more functional style:

norm[x_] := x / Total[x]

ForwardProcedure[TM_, EM_, P_, N_, M_, Seq_] := Module[{DP, m},
  m = Transpose[EM][[Seq]];
  DP = FoldList[norm[#1.TM #2] &, P First[m], Rest[m]];
  Transpose @ DP]