Optimizing R objective function with Rcpp slower, why?

I can think of four potential optimizations over Ralf's and Olivers answers.

(You should accept their answers, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents).

1) Use // [[Rcpp::export(rng = false)]] as a comment header to the function in a seperate C++ file. This leads to a ~80% speed up on my machine. (This is the most important suggestion out of the 4).

2) Prefer cmath when possible. (In this case, it doesn't seem to make a difference).

3) Avoid allocation whenever possible, e.g. don't shift beta into a new vector.

4) Stretch goal: use SEXP parameters rather than Rcpp vectors. (Left as an exercise to the reader). Rcpp vectors are very thin wrappers, but they're still wrappers and there is a small overhead.

These suggestions wouldn't be important, if not for the fact that you're calling the function in a tight loop in optim. So any overhead is very important.


microbenchmark("llmnl_int_R_v1" = optim(beta, llmnl_int, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                      n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                      control = list(fnscale = -1)),
             "llmnl_int_R_v2" = optim(beta, llmnl_int_R_v2, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                      n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                      control = list(fnscale = -1)),
             "llmnl_int_C_v2" = optim(beta, llmnl_int_C_v2, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                      n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                      control = list(fnscale = -1)),
             "llmnl_int_C_v3" = optim(beta, llmnl_int_C_v3, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                      n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                      control = list(fnscale = -1)),
             "llmnl_int_C_v4" = optim(beta, llmnl_int_C_v4, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                      n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                      control = list(fnscale = -1)),
             times = 1000)

Unit: microseconds
expr      min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval cld
llmnl_int_R_v1 9480.780 10662.3530 14126.6399 11359.8460 18505.6280 146823.430  1000   c
llmnl_int_R_v2  697.276   735.7735  1015.8217   768.5735   810.6235  11095.924  1000  b 
llmnl_int_C_v2  997.828  1021.4720  1106.0968  1031.7905  1078.2835  11222.803  1000  b 
llmnl_int_C_v3  284.519   295.7825   328.5890   304.0325   328.2015   9647.417  1000 a  
llmnl_int_C_v4  245.650   256.9760   283.9071   266.3985   299.2090   1156.448  1000 a 

v3 is Oliver's answer with rng=false. v4 is with Suggestions #2 and #3 included.

The function:

#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <cmath>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export(rng = false)]]
double llmnl_int_C_v4(NumericVector beta, IntegerVector Obs, int n_cat) {

  int n_Obs = Obs.size();
  //2: Calculate log sum only once:
  // double expBetas_log_sum = log(sum(exp(betas)));
  double expBetas_log_sum = 1.0; // std::exp(0)
  for (int i = 1; i < n_cat; i++) {
    expBetas_log_sum += std::exp(beta[i-1]);
  expBetas_log_sum = std::log(expBetas_log_sum);

  double ll_sum = 0;
  //3: Use n_Obs, to avoid calling Xby.size() every time 
  for (int i = 0; i < n_Obs; i++) {
    if(Obs[i] == 1L) continue;
    ll_sum += beta[Obs[i]-2L];
  //4: Use that we know denom is the same for all I:
  ll_sum = ll_sum - expBetas_log_sum * n_Obs;
  return ll_sum;

In general if you are able to use vectorized functions, you will find it to be (almost) as fast as running your code directly in Rcpp. This is because many vectorized functions in R (almost all vectorized functions in Base R) are written in C, Cpp or Fortran and as such there is often little to gain.

That said, there are improvements to gain both in your R and Rcpp code. Optimization comes from carefully studying the code, and removing unnecessary steps (memory assignment, sums, etc.).

Lets start with the Rcpp code optimization.

In your case the main optimization is to remove unnecessary matrix and vector calculations. The code is in essence

  1. Shift beta
  2. calculate the log of the sum of exp(shift beta) [log-sum-exp]
  3. use Obs as an index for the shifted beta and sum over all the probabilities
  4. substract the log-sum-exp

Using this observation we can reduce your code to 2 for-loops. Note that sum is simply another for-loop (more or less: for(i = 0; i < max; i++){ sum += x }) so avoiding the sums can speed up ones code further (in most situations this is unnecessary optimization!). In addition your input Obs is an integer vector, and we can further optimize the code by using the IntegerVector type to avoid casting the double elements to integer values (Credit to Ralf Stubner's answer).

cppFunction('double llmnl_int_C_v2(NumericVector beta, IntegerVector Obs, int n_cat)

    int n_Obs = Obs.size();

    NumericVector betas = (beta.size()+1);
    //1: shift beta
    for (int i = 1; i < n_cat; i++) {
        betas[i] = beta[i-1];
    //2: Calculate log sum only once:
    double expBetas_log_sum = log(sum(exp(betas)));
    // pre allocate sum
    double ll_sum = 0;
    //3: Use n_Obs, to avoid calling Xby.size() every time 
    for (int i = 0; i < n_Obs; i++) {
        ll_sum += betas(Obs[i] - 1.0) ;
    //4: Use that we know denom is the same for all I:
    ll_sum = ll_sum - expBetas_log_sum * n_Obs;
    return ll_sum;

Note that I have removed quite a few memory allocations and removed unnecessary calculations in the for-loop. Also i have used that denom is the same for all iterations and simply multiplied for the final result.

We can perform similar optimizations in your R-code, which results in the below function:

llmnl_int_R_v2 <- function(beta, Obs, n_cat) {
    n_Obs <- length(Obs)
    betas <- c(0, beta)
    #note: denom = log(sum(exp(betas)))
    sum(betas[Obs]) - log(sum(exp(betas))) * n_Obs

Note the complexity of the function has been drastically reduced making it simpler for others to read. Just to be sure that I haven't messed up in the code somewhere let's check that they return the same results:

mnl_sample <- t(rmultinom(n = 1000,size = 1,prob = c(0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1)))
mnl_sample <- apply(mnl_sample,1,function(r) which(r == 1))

beta = c(4,2,1)
Obs = mnl_sample 
n_cat = 4
xr <- llmnl_int(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat)
xr2 <- llmnl_int_R_v2(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat)
xc <- llmnl_int_C(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat)
xc2 <- llmnl_int_C_v2(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat)
all.equal(c(xr, xr2), c(xc, xc2))

well that's a relief.


I'll use microbenchmark to illustrate the performance. The optimized functions are fast, so I'll run the functions 1e5 times to reduce the effect of the garbage collector

microbenchmark("llmml_int_R" = llmnl_int(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat),
               "llmml_int_C" = llmnl_int_C(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat),
               "llmnl_int_R_v2" = llmnl_int_R_v2(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat),
               "llmml_int_C_v2" = llmnl_int_C_v2(beta = beta, Obs = mnl_sample, n_cat = n_cat),
               times = 1e5)
#Unit: microseconds
#           expr     min      lq       mean  median      uq        max neval
#    llmml_int_R 202.701 206.801 288.219673 227.601 334.301  57368.902 1e+05
#    llmml_int_C 250.101 252.802 342.190342 272.001 399.251 112459.601 1e+05
# llmnl_int_R_v2   4.800   5.601   8.930027   6.401   9.702   5232.001 1e+05
# llmml_int_C_v2   5.100   5.801   8.834646   6.700  10.101   7154.901 1e+05

Here we see the same result as before. Now the new functions are roughly 35x faster (R) and 40x faster (Cpp) compared to their first counter-parts. Interestingly enough the optimized R function is still very slightly (0.3 ms or 4 %) faster than my optimized Cpp function. My best bet here is that there is some overhead from the Rcpp package, and if this was removed the two would be identical or the R.

Similarly we can check performance using Optim.

microbenchmark("llmnl_int" = optim(beta, llmnl_int, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                   n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                   control = list(fnscale = -1)),
               "llmnl_int_C" = optim(beta, llmnl_int_C, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                     n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                     control = list(fnscale = -1)),
               "llmnl_int_R_v2" = optim(beta, llmnl_int_R_v2, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                     n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                     control = list(fnscale = -1)),
               "llmnl_int_C_v2" = optim(beta, llmnl_int_C_v2, Obs = mnl_sample, 
                                     n_cat = n_cat, method = "BFGS", hessian = F, 
                                     control = list(fnscale = -1)),
               times = 1e3)
#Unit: microseconds
#           expr       min        lq      mean    median         uq      max neval
#      llmnl_int 29541.301 53156.801 70304.446 76753.851  83528.101 196415.5  1000
#    llmnl_int_C 36879.501 59981.901 83134.218 92419.551 100208.451 190099.1  1000
# llmnl_int_R_v2   667.802  1253.452  1962.875  1585.101   1984.151  22718.3  1000
# llmnl_int_C_v2   704.401  1248.200  1983.247  1671.151   2033.401  11540.3  1000

Once again the result is the same.


As a short conclusion it is worth noting that this is one example, where converting your code to Rcpp is not really worth the trouble. This is not always the case, but often it is worth taking a second look at your function, to see if there are areas of your code, where unnecessary calculations are performed. Especially in situations where one uses buildin vectorized functions, it is often not worth the time to convert code to Rcpp. More often one can see great improvements if one uses for-loops with code that cant easily be vectorized in order to remove the for-loop.