Option to ignore extra keywords in an sqlalchemy Mapped Class constructor?

Are we guaranteed that the __init__ of the superclass which is in place will never have other desired effects than setting the __dict__ entries? I didn't feel quite comfortable bypassing the superclass call completely, so my attempt at solving this was as follows, passing on only the entries which correspond to column names:

class User(Base):

    # ...

    def __init__(self, **entries):
        '''Override to avoid TypeError when passed spurious column names'''
        col_names = set([col.name for col in self.__table__.columns])
        superentries = {k : entries[k] for k in col_names.intersection(entries.keys())}

SQLAlchemy Mapper objects have an attrs property which is a dictionary of the names of the fields of your mapped class.

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

user = {
    'name': 'Eihli',
    'skill': 11

user_mapper = class_mapper(User)
mapped_user = User(**user)
# Boom! TypeError: 'skill' is an invalid keyword argument for User

mapped_user = User(**{
    k: v for k, v in user.items()
    if k in user_mapper.attrs.keys()
# Success!

No need to mess around with maintaining an exclude lists or mucking about with dict or getting in the way of super calls.

If you're trying to generate models with nested data, you'll have to do things a little different. Otherwise you'll get an "Unhashable type 'dict'" error.

Here's an example of a helper to inspect the mapper and get the keys of the relationships.

def from_json(model, data):
    mapper = class_mapper(model)
    keys = mapper.attrs.keys()
    relationships = inspect(mapper).relationships
    args = {k: v for k, v in data.items()
            if k in keys and k not in relationships}
    return model(**args)

Also to pass extra keywords and call Base.__init__() method you can exclude extrakeys from super() and after that do what you want:

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String

class User(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'users'

     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
     name = Column(String)

     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         extra_kw_list = ['key1', 'key2']
         super(User, self).__init__(**{x: y for x, y in kwargs.items()
                                       if x not in extra_kw_list})
         #do something you need here
         item1, item2 = kwargs['key1'], kwargs['key2']

In short, define constructor which does not pass arguments up to its superclass:

class User(Base):

    # ...

    def __init__(self, **entries):

        # NOTE: Do not call superclass
        #       (which is otherwise a default behaviour).
        #super(User, self).__init__(**entries)


I hit the same problem in transition from peewee which requires the opposite - to pass arguments to its superclass (and, therefore, constructor was already defined). So, I just tried commenting the line out and things start to work.


Also, make sure that entries do not contain (and, therefore, overwrite) any meta field in User class defined for SQLAlchemy defined, for example, those ORM relationships. It's kind of obvious (SQLAlchemy), but when mistake is made, it might not be easy to spot the problem.