Options in \tablenum
Remember that \tablenum
is more-or-less \num
but with alignment: it is not a macro version of the S
column. As such, the argument has to be a number. There are various ways to do what you want
\documentclass[margin=3mm, preview]{standalone}
\sisetup{input-comparators = , table-format = 1.2}
\hphantom{<}\tablenum{1.23} \\
\tablenum[table-space-text-pre=<]{1.23} \\
<\tablenum{1.23} \\
has an optional argument for option settings. However, input-comparators
does not seem to work, but the important table-format
does. The following example uses a workaround for the less than symbol:
\documentclass[margin=3mm, preview]{standalone}
table-format = 1.2]
1.23 & \hphantom{<}\mytablenum{1.23} \\
< 1.23 & <\mytablenum{1.23} \\