ORA-00604 ORA-12705
Try following:
- Check that NLS_LANG setting is correct. On windows it is in registry under
. - Check that Oracle client software is correctly installed.
- Check if there are multiple Oracle homes on that computer. In that case, find active one and check if it works.
- Test with SQL*Plus if there is one installed. Sql Developer works because it has its own client installation.
Regarding drivers, check this site: Oracle Instant Client. There you will find documentation on minimum drivers installation needed for JDBC access to Oracle. I don't know much about that because I use .Net.
Edit 2:
See this question: NLS_LANG setting for JDBC thin driver. There is same error as you have and problem was that default locale for NLS LANG was not defined. Quote:
The NLS_LANG settings are derived from the java.util.Locale . Therefore, you will need to make a call similar to this before connecting:
Locale.setDefault(Locale.<your locale here>);
I figured out that that you could pass that two params to your Java app to resolve the issue:
-Duser.country=en -Duser.language=en
You could configure the values at environment variable level as well (depends from your OS).