ORA-01403: no data found for Select into

If the standard exception handling described by Sandeep seems to much overhead (like in my case) and you're fine with a NULL or some individual <not found> value), you might just transform it like this:

select  col  into  v_foo  from  bar  where 1=0  -- would provoke ORA-01403

=> no ORA-01403 raised:

-- if NULL would be fine:

select  (select  col  from  bar  where 1=0)  into  v_foo  from dual

-- if individual "NOT_FOUND" value should be set to avoid standard exception handling:
--    (it depends on your col type, so it could e.g. be 'NOT_FOUND' or -1 
--     or to_date( 'yyyy-mm-dd', '2100-01-01') )

select  nvl(  (select  col  from  bar  where 1=0),  'NOT_FOUND'  )  into  v_foo  from dual

Although you have put a WHERE condition, a better way would be to handle case of record not found or 'No Data Found' error. I would write above code with wrapping the SELECT statement with it's own BEGIN/EXCEPTION/END block.

Code could be something like this:

    SELECT trim(name) 
    INTO fullName
    FROM (
        SELECT n.name
        FROM directory dir, store n
        WHERE dir.name = n.name
        AND dir.STATUS NOT IN ('F','L','M')           
        ORDER BY n.imp, dir.date
    WHERE rownum <= 1;
        fullName := NULL;

