Ordered map in Swift
"If you need an ordered collection of key-value pairs and don’t need the fast key lookup that Dictionary provides, see the DictionaryLiteral type for an alternative." - https://developer.apple.com/reference/swift/dictionary
Just use an array of tuples instead. Sort by whatever you like. All "built-in".
var array = [(name: String, value: String)]()
// add elements
array.sort() { $0.name < $1.name }
// or
array.sort() { $0.0 < $1.0 }
You can use KeyValuePairs
from documentation:
Use a KeyValuePairs instance when you need an ordered collection of key-value pairs and don’t require the fast key lookup that the Dictionary type provides.
let pairs: KeyValuePairs = ["john": 1,"ben": 2,"bob": 3,"hans": 4]
//prints (key: "john", value: 1)
You can order them by having keys with type Int
var myDictionary: [Int: [String: String]]?
var myDictionary: [Int: (String, String)]?
I recommend the first one since it is a more common format (JSON for example).