Ordering fields from find query with projection

I get it now. You want to return results ordered by "fields" rather the value of a fields.

Simple answer is that you can't do this. Maybe its possible with the new aggregation framework. But this seems overkill just to order fields.

The second object in a find query is for including or excluding returned fields not for ordering them.

    _id : 0,               // 0 means exclude this field from results
    "profile.ModelID" : 1, // 1 means include this field in the results
    "profile.AVersion" :2, // 2 means nothing
    "profile.SVersion" :3, // 3 means nothing

Last point, you shouldn't need to do this, who cares what order the fields come-back in. You application should be able to make use of the fields it needs regardless of the order the fields are in.

Another solution I applied to achieve this is the following:

  .find({ "profile.ModelID" : 'LZ241M4' })
  .map(doc => ({
    profile: {
      ModelID: doc.profile.ModelID,
      AVersion: doc.profile.AVersion,
      SVersion: doc.profile.SVersion

I have achieved it by projecting the fields using aliases, instead of including and excluding by 0 and 1s. Try this:

_id : 0,      
"profile.ModelID" :"$profile.ModelID", 

