Orderless and Sequence

Here is how I make sense of this behavior. When a function that appears in a pattern has attribute Orderless, the pattern-matcher must generate all possible permutations of its argument sequence before trying to match these patterns.

Refer to a simple example expression such as a /. b -> c: in a nutshell, as Fred mentioned in his comment below, I contend that the attribute Orderless causes the system to generate possible alternatives for the b expression, rather than for a.

When the argument sequence of your orderless f function contains more than one argument, then multiple permutations are generated. The specification f[x_, y_, z_] -> {x, y, z} in the second argument of ReplaceList can be thought of as equivalent to the following "expanded form":

{f[x_, y_, z_] -> {x, y, z}, f[x_, z_, y_] -> {x, y, z}, f[y_, x_, z_] -> {x, y, z}, 
 f[y_, z_, x_] -> {x, y, z}, f[z_, x_, y_] -> {x, y, z}, f[z_, y_, x_] -> {x, y, z}}

Each one of those patterns matches f[a, b, c] in the first argument of ReplaceList, hence the multiple results.

However, when the pattern specified in the second argument of ReplaceList contains only one argument, then there are no permutations to account for, so only one "equivalent pattern" is considered, which matches once.

To clarify my point, here is a helper function that approximates my vision of what the pattern matcher is doing for orderless functions. Note that here we use a regular, non-orderless g function, and simulate orderless behavior explicitly.

Attributes[g] = {};

generateOrderlessPatterns[functiontoapply_, list_, patterntype_] :=
   functiontoapply[Sequence @@ (Pattern[#, patterntype] & /@ i)] -> list,
   {i, Permutations[list]}

We can then generate "orderless-style" patterns for the non-orderless g function:

generateOrderlessPatterns[g, {x, y, z}, Blank[]]

(* Out:
  {g[x_, y_, z_] -> {x, y, z}, g[x_, z_, y_] -> {x, y, z}, g[y_, x_, z_] -> {x, y, z}, 
   g[y_, z_, x_] -> {x, y, z}, g[z_, x_, y_] -> {x, y, z}, g[z_, y_, x_] -> {x, y, z}}

On the other hand, if we use a BlankSequence pattern, we obtain:

generateOrderlessPatterns[g, {x}, BlankSequence[]]

(* Out: {g[x__] -> {x}} *)

Using these patterns in ReplaceList emulates the Orderless behavior of f:

ReplaceList[g[a, b, c], generateOrderlessPatterns[g, {x, y, z}, Blank[]]]

(* Out: 
 {{a, b, c}, {a, c, b}, {b, a, c}, {c, a, b}, {b, c, a}, {c, b, a}}

ReplaceList[g[a, b, c], generateOrderlessPatterns[g, {x}, BlankSequence[]]]

(* Out: {{a, b, c}} *)

Because of the Orderless attribute of f, the function ReplaceList always evaluates with the arguments of f arranged in the canonical order. For instance looking at the Trace of the next expression, we see that

ReplaceList[ f[b, c, a], f[z_, y_, x_] :> {x, y, z} ]

is re-ordered to

ReplaceList[ f[a, b, c], f[x_, y_, z_] :> {x, y, z} ]

before the internal definition of ReplaceList is used. The replacement rule f[x_, y_, z_] :> {x, y, z} is then applied to f[a, b, c] in all possible ways, as noted in the documentation of ReplaceList. Since f is Orderless, these "all possible ways" are all possible permutations of f[x_, y_, z_], as mentioned by MarcoB in its answer.

These comments should also explain why the following two lines return the same output list of length 1:

ReplaceList[f[a, b, c], f[x___] :> {x}]
ReplaceList[f[b, c, a], f[x___] :> {x}]
(* {{a, b, c}} *)

The re-ordering of the arguments of f happens before ReplaceList evaluates, so ReplaceList will evaluate with f[a, b, c] in both cases and apply the rule(s) to this expression. Now, the only way to apply the rule is f[x___] :> {x}. (There are no permutation in this situation as written by MarcoB.)

As a last remark, one may look at the evaluation of

ReplaceList[ f[b, c, a], f[y_, x_, z_] :> f[z, y, x] ]

to notice that only the permutations of the pattern expression itself are considered, and not of the whole rule. It would have otherwise resulted in an output list of greater length.