Wordpress - Organizing Code in your WordPress Theme's functions.php File?

If you are getting to the point where the code in your theme's functions.php is starting to overwhelm you I would definitely say you are ready to consider splitting it up into multiple files. I tend to do that almost by second nature at this point.

Use Include Files in your Theme's functions.php File

I create a subdirectory called "includes" under my theme directory and segment my code into include files organized by what makes sense to me at the time (which means I'm constantly refactoring and moving code around as a site evolves.) I also rarely put any real code in functions.php; everything goes in the include files; just my preference.

Just to give you an example here's my test install that I use to test my answers to questions here on WordPress Answers. Every time I answer a question I keep the code around in case I need it again. This isn't exactly what you'll do for a live site but it shows the mechanics of splitting up the code:

 * functions.php
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/null-meta-compare.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/older-examples.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/wp-admin-menu-classes.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/admin-menu-function-examples.php');

// WA: Adding a Taxonomy Filter to Admin List for a Custom Post Type?
// http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/578/
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/cpt-filtering-in-admin.php'); 
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/category-fields.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/post-list-shortcode.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/car-type-urls.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/buffer-all.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/get-page-selector.php');

// http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/907/
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/top-5-posts-per-category.php'); 

// http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/951/
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/alternate-category-metabox.php');  

// http://lists.automattic.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2010-August/034384.html
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/remove-status.php');  

// http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/1027/removing-the-your-backup-folder-might-be-visible-to-the-public-message-generate
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/301-redirects.php');  

Or Create Plugins

Another option it to start grouping your code by function and create your own plugins. For me I start coding in the theme's functions.php file and by the time I get the code fleshed out I've moved most of my code into plugins.

However NO Significant Performance Gain From PHP Code Organization

On the other hand structuring your PHP files is 99% about creating order and maintainability and 1% about performance, if that (organizing .js and .css files called by the browser via HTTP is a completely different case and has huge performance implications.) But how you organize your PHP code on the server pretty much doesn't matter from a performance perspective.

And Code Organization is Personal Preference

And last but not least code organization is personal preference. Some people would hate how I organize code just as I might hate how they do it too. Find something you like and stick with it, but allow your strategy to evolve over time as you learn more and get more comfortable with it.

Late answer

How to include your files the right way:

function wpse1403_bootstrap()
    // Here we load from our includes directory
    // This considers parent and child themes as well    
    locate_template( array( 'inc/foo.class.php' ), true, true );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpse1403_bootstrap' );

The same works in plugins too.

How to get the right path or URi

Also take a look at file system API functions like:

  • home_url()
  • plugin_dir_url()
  • plugin_dir_path()
  • admin_url()
  • get_template_directory()
  • get_template_directory_uri()
  • get_stylesheet_directory()
  • get_stylesheet_directory_uri()
  • etc.

How to reduce the number of include/require

If you need to fetch all files from a directory go with

foreach ( glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php' ) as $file )
    include $file;

Keep in mind that this ignores failures (maybe good for production use)/not loadable files.

To alter this behavior you might want to use a different config during development:

$files = ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) AND WP_DEBUG )
    ? glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php', GLOB_ERR )
    : glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php' )

foreach ( $files as $file )
    include $file;

Edit: OOP/SPL approach

As I just came back and saw that this answer is getting more and more upvotes, I thought I might show how I'm doing it nowadays - in a PHP 5.3+ world. The following example loads all files from a themes subfolder named src/. This is where I have my libraries that handle certain tasks like menus, images, etc. You don't even have to care about the name as every single file gets loaded. If you have other subfolders in this directory, they get ignored.

The \FilesystemIterator is the PHP 5.3+ supercedor over the \DirectoryIterator. Both are part of the PHP SPL. While PHP 5.2 made it possible to turn the built in SPL extension off (below 1% of all installs did that), the SPL now is part of PHP core.


namespace Theme;

$files = new \FilesystemIterator( __DIR__.'/src', \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS );
foreach ( $files as $file )
    /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
    ! $files->isDir() and include $files->getRealPath();

Previously while I still supported PHP 5.2.x, I used the following solution: A \FilterIterator in the src/Filters directory to only retrieve files (and not dot pointers of folders) and a \DirectoryIterator to do the looping and loading.

namespace Theme;

use Theme\Filters\IncludesFilter;

$files = new IncludesFilter( new \DirectoryIterator( __DIR__.'/src' ) );
foreach ( $files as $file )
    include_once $files->current()->getRealPath();

The \FilterIterator was as easy as that:


namespace Theme\Filters;

class IncludesFilter extends \FilterIterator
    public function accept()
            ! $this->current()->isDot()
            and $this->current()->isFile()
            and $this->current()->isReadable();

Aside from PHP 5.2 being dead/EOL by now (and 5.3 as well), there's the fact that it's more code and one more file in the game, so there's no reason to go with the later and support PHP 5.2.x.

Summed up

EDIT The obviously correct way is to use namespaced code, prepared for PSR-4 autoloading by putting everything in the appropriate directory that already is defined via the namespace. Then just use Composer and a composer.json to manage your dependencies and let it auto-build your PHP autoloader (that imports automatically a file by just calling use \<namespace>\ClassName). That's the de-facto standard in the PHP world, the easiest way to go and even more pre-automated and simplified by WP Starter.

I like to use a function to the files inside a folder. This approach makes it easy to add new features when adding new files. But I write always in class or with namespaces - give it more control about the Namespace of functions, method etc.

Below a small example; ut also useage with the agreement about the class*.php

public function __construct() {


 * Returns array of features, also
 * Scans the plugins subfolder "/classes"
 * @since   0.1
 * @return  void
protected function load_classes() {

    // load all files with the pattern class-*.php from the directory classes
    foreach( glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/class-*.php' ) as $class )
        require_once $class;


In Themes I use often a other scenario. I define the function of the externel file in a support ID, see the example. That is usefull if I will easy deactivate the feture of the externel file. I use the WP core function require_if_theme_supports() and he load only, if the support ID was active. In the follow example I deifned this supported ID in the line before load the file.

     * Add support for Theme Customizer
     * @since  09/06/2012
    add_theme_support( 'documentation_customizer', array( 'all' ) );
    // Include the theme customizer for options of theme options, if theme supported
        get_template_directory() . '/inc/theme-customize.php'

You can see more of this in the repo of this theme.