OS X: Can't Resolve Windows Machine Names

Why not install Bonjour onto the Windows machines?

On the Mac turn on Windows file-sharing. That will then activate Samba on the Mac, and lets it query NetBIOS names directly. It seems to configure WINS correctly, automatically, although irritatingly hidden. With the sharing on, most Windows operations seems to work easier.

In 10.5 it's under Sys Prefs -> Sharing -> File Sharing -> Options <10.5 it's Sys Prefs -> Sharing -> Windows File Sharing

I have noticed a similar problem with .local domains under ubuntu - perhaps the same trick will work on a mac?

This is what I did:

  • Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf
  • change the order of the hosts: line so that dns comes before any mdns4 entries
  • my line ends up being like:

    hosts: files dns mdns4_minimal mdns4