OSI model - What's the presentation and session layer for?

The session layer is meant to store states between two connections, like what we use cookies for when working with web programming.

The presentation layer is meant to convert between different formats. This was simpler when the only format that was worried about was character encoding, ie ASCII and EBCDIC. When you consider all of the different formats that we have today(Quicktime, Flash, Pdf) centralizing this layer is out of the question.

TCP/IP doesn't make any allocation to these layers, since they are really out of the scope of a networking protocol. It's up to the applications that take advantage of the stack to implement these.

The reasons there aren't any examples on wikipedia is that there aren't a whole lot of examples of the OSI network model, period.

OSI has once again created a standard nobody uses, so nobody really know how one should use it.

Layers 5-6 are not commonly used in today's web applications, so you don't hear much about them. The TCP/IP stack is slightly different than a pure OSI Model.