Output the Iccanobif Sequence

Python 2, 58 bytes

exec"print a;a,b=b,int(str(a+b)[::-1]);"*-~input()

Uses str to convert rather than backticks because large enough numbers in Python 2 are written with an L at the end. I tried a recursive function, but it turned out longer (61):

f=lambda n,a=0,b=1:-~n*[0]and[a]+f(n-1,b,int(str(a+b)[::-1]))

Pyth, 17 15 14


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Very basic implementation, starts with range(2) and adds a number of elements equal to the input, then slices off the extras pops off the last element.

Thanks @Jakube for pointing out the > reversal thingy.


Pu+Gs_`s>2GQU2    : Q = eval(input) (implicit)
P                 : all but the last element
 u         QU2    : reduce Q times starting with [0, 1]
  +G              : add to the previous result
       s>2G       : sum of the last two elements of G
    s_`           : int(reversed(repr(above value)))

K, 25 23 bytes

{-1_ x{x,.|$+/-2#x}/!2}

A simple modification of one of the examples at No Stinking Loops.

The phrase .|$ casts a number to a string, reverses it and then evaluates it.


Sloppy attention to boundary conditions on my part. More correct now:

  {-1_ x{x,.|$+/-2#x}/!2}'0 1 6 10
 0 1
 0 1 1 2 3 5 8
 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 31 93 421 415)

Edit 2:

(x+1)# can be replaced with -1_, saving 2 characters. The space is necessary because otherwise _x would be an identifier, when I want the "drop" operator applied to a variable called x.