Outputting JSON logs on Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon Linux 2

I found a solution that works well enough, so I'll post it here for posterity. If someone can suggest a better one, please do.

Elastic Beanstalk on Amazon Linux 2 relies on rsyslog for log processing and output. There's a file at /opt/elasticbeanstalk/config/private/rsyslog.conf that during deployment gets copied over to /etc/rsyslog.d/web.conf and it's the one that's directing all output from the web application to /var/log/web.stdout.log.

The file doesn't include any custom template. It relies on rsyslog's default template, which prefixes any %msg% with a timestamp and $programname (which is web in this case).

I tried replacing this file via an .ebextensions config, but that didn't work, because Elastic Beanstalk seems to be overwriting this file after .ebextensions run. So I added an additional platform hook that deletes the file, keeping the custom one I added.

Here's the .ebextensions/logs.config file:

    mode: "000644"
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |
      template(name="WebTemplate" type="string" string="%msg%\n")

      if $programname == 'web' then {
        *.=warning;*.=err;*.=crit;*.=alert;*.=emerg; /var/log/web.stderr.log;WebTemplate
        *.=info;*.=notice /var/log/web.stdout.log;WebTemplate

    command: rm -f *.bak
    cwd: /etc/rsyslog.d

and .platform/hooks/predeploy/remove-default-rsyslog-conf.sh (make sure you chmod +x this one):

rm /etc/rsyslog.d/web.conf
systemctl restart rsyslog.service