Overlapping matches in R

The standard regmatches does not work well with captured matches (specifically multiple captured matches in the same string). And in this case, since you're "matching" a look ahead (ignoring the capture), the match itself is zero-length. There is also a regmatches()<- function that may illustrate this. Obseerve

m <- gregexpr('(?=([AC]C))', x, perl=T)
regmatches(x, m) <- "~"
# [1] "~A~CC~A~CC~A~CC~AC"

Notice how all the letters are preserved, we've just replaced the locations of the zero-length matches with something we can observe.

I've created a regcapturedmatches() function that I often use for such tasks. For example

regcapturedmatches(x, gregexpr('(?=([AC]C))', x, perl=T))[[1]]

#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
# [1,] "AC" "CC" "AC" "CC" "AC" "CC" "AC"

The gregexpr is grabbing all the data just fine so you can extract it from that object anyway you life if you prefer not to use this helper function.

As far as a workaround, this is what I have come up with to extract the overlapping matches.

> m <- gregexpr('(?=([AC]C))', x, perl=T)
> mapply(function(X) substr(x, X, X+1), m[[1]])
[1] "AC" "CC" "AC" "CC" "AC" "CC" "AC"

Please feel free to add or comment on a better way to perform this task.