Override colorscheme

You asked what I'm looking for today. I found a simpler solution than those presented here. I want transparent background instead of the black background from the theme, while simply overriding the color after the colorscheme statement in .vimrc doesn't work and installing a plugin just for that is weird. Here is what I did:

autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Normal ctermbg=None
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight NonText ctermbg=None

Why does it work? I guess that vim does something besides just read your colorscheme statement and load the statement and then read your highlight statement and change the color. Anyway it seems like vim only change the color scheme after reading the config files. So I provide a hook, that will change the colors every time the color scheme is changed. A nice side effect is, this works even if you switch your color scheme (you could do an if block if you want to).

Have a look at AfterColors.vim, it will enable you to to use the ~/.vim/after/colors/BusyBee.vim method.