Page numbers vertically centered in the outer page margin

You can use the background package; a little exampe:






Another solution with only KOMA-Script tools (and some low level trickery):

  \vbox to 0pt{
    \hbox to 0pt{\Huge\normalfont
      \if#1o\kern 2em\else\hss\fi\thepage

I use the normal footer, putting into it a zero height box that contains a zero width box that is raised to the center of the text block; in it the page number is typeset shifted on the right or on the left depending if we are in an odd or even page.

You could also use KOMA-Script package scrlayer-scrpage. It is the successor of the deprecated package scrpage2.

scrlayer-scrpage uses layer to declare pagestyles. So you can declare a new layer for the pagenumber in the outer margin and add this layer to pagestyle scrheadings and plain.scrheadings. Note that after loading scrlayer-scrpage pagestyle scrheadings is set and pagestyle plain is redefined as an aliaspagestyle for plain.scrheadings.




\usepackage{blindtext}% <- only for dummy text

results in

enter image description here