pagehide and pageshow events don't work as expected on ios chrome

Below is the working code:

<script type="text/javascript">
        var heartbeat;
        var lastInterval;

        function clearTimers() {

        function getTime() {
            return (new Date()).getTime();

        function intervalHeartbeat() {
            var now = getTime();
            var diff = now - lastInterval - 200;
            lastInterval = now;
            if(diff > 1000) { // don't trigger on small stutters less than 1000ms
        lastInterval = getTime();
        heartbeat = setInterval(intervalHeartbeat, 200);

You can find more details here:

Pagehide and pageshow aren't the events you need for what you're trying to accomplish.

Instead, use the visibilitychange event in combination with document.hidden or document.visibilitystate, which should do exactly what you want.

This'll only work on supported browsers - which to date includes Chrome, but not Safari (yet). So to be safe, I'd call clearTimers() on visibilitychange, and fall back to calling it on pagehide only if document.visibilitystate is not defined.


MDN: visibilitychange event

MDN: Using the Page Visibility API

Page Visibility - W3C recommendation, October 2013