Pain-free local development while also referencing NuGet packages

I know this is a 2-years old post, but just found it while facing the same situation. Also found this for VS2015, I'm in the process of testing it. I'll come back and adjust my answer accordingly.

I also faced a similar problem. One approach that worked was using local repository (which is basically just a folder in local) and adding post-build script in the libraries. For example: let's say you need to update your implementation for LibraryA, then include following 3 steps in your post-build event for LibraryA:

  1. Check if local repository has that version of package; if yes then delete it

    rd /s /q %userprofile%\.nuget\packages\LibraryA\@(VersionNumber) -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

  2. Create a nuget package

    nuget pack LibraryA.csproj

  3. Push it to local repository

    nuget push LibraryA@(VersionNumber) -Source %userprofile%\.nuget\packages

These steps will make sure that the package is always updated for that version after each build (we had to do this since nuget packages are immutable)

Now in ApplicationD, you can point to local repository (%userprofile%.nuget\packages) to get LibraryA; such that after each build of LibraryA, you will receive an updated version of it in ApplicationD

PS: Inorder to get version number of you library you can use this : Determine assembly version during a post-build event

Although it takes some work, it is possible to hand-edit .csproj files in order to set up conditional referencing by adding a Condition attribute to the appropriate references.

EDIT I've moved these conditions into ItemGroups, as it seems this is how my mentioned production code is working, and there has been mention of this being a possible issue in VS 2013.

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug Local'">
    <!-- Library A reference as generated by VS for an in-solution reference, children unmodified -->

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug NuGet'">
    <!-- Library A reference as generated by NuGet, child nodes unmodified --> 
    <Reference Include="LibraryA">...

This would allow you to have, on the Projects D & E, configurations of "Debug NuGet" vs. "Debug Local" which reference the libraries differently. If you then have multiple solution files which have their configurations mapped to the appropriate configurations on the projects within, the end user would never see more than "Debug" and "Release" for most operation, since those are the solution configs, and would only need to open the full solution for editing the A, B, & C projects.

Now, as for getting the A, B, & C projects out of the way, you could set them up under a folder marked as a subrepo (assuming you're using an SCM that supports this, such as Git). Most users would never need to pull the subrepo since they're not accessing the ABC projects, and are instead grabbing from NuGet.

Maintenance wise, I can guarantee that VS will not edit the conditional references, and will respect them during compilation -I have gone through both VS 2010 and 2013 (EDIT: Professional version, though I have delved into doing the same with express) with the same conditional reference projects at work. Keep in mind than in VS, references can be made version-agnostic, making NuGet the only place from which version need be maintained, and that can be done like any other NuGet package. While I'm hopeful, I have NOT tested whether NuGet will fight with the conditional references.

EDIT It may also be prudent to note that conditional references can cause warnings about missing DLLs, but does not actually hinder compilation or run.

EDIT For those still reading this, I'm now (7/2019) hearing that the IDE isn't as friendly to these changes anymore, and either it or the Package Manager may override them. Proceed with caution, and always read your commits!

Update for .NET Core (2.x ++)

.NET Core 2.x actually has this functionality built in!

If you have a project reference to project A in project B, and project A is a .NET Standard or Core project with proper package information (Properties -> Package with Package id set to your NuGet package ID), then you can have a regular project reference in project B's .csproj file:

  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\A\ProjectA.csproj" />

When you pack (dotnet pack) project B, because of the Package id in project A, the generated .nuspec file will be set up with a NuGet dependency to that Package ID, together with other NuGet references you might have, instead of just including the built DLL file.

  <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0">
    <dependency id="Project.A" version="1.2.3" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
    <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="12.0.2" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />