Pairwise combinations of filenames
Put the file names in an array and run through it manually with two loops.
You get each pairing only once if if j < i where i and j are the indexes used in the outer and the inner loop, respectively.
$ touch a b c d
$ f=(*)
$ for ((i = 0; i < ${#f[@]}; i++)); do
for ((j = i + 1; j < ${#f[@]}; j++)); do
echo "${f[i]} - ${f[j]}";
a - b
a - c
a - d
b - c
b - d
c - d
You're very close in your script, but you want to remove duplicates; i.e a-b is considered a duplicate of b-a.
We can use an inequality to handle this; only display the filename if the first file comes before the second file alphabetically. This will ensure only one of each matches.
for i in *.txt
for j in *.txt
if [ "$i" \< "$j" ]
echo "Pairs $i and $j"
This gives the output
Pairs a.txt and b.txt
Pairs a.txt and c.txt
Pairs b.txt and c.txt
This isn't an efficient algorithm (it's O(n^2)) but may be good enough for your needs.