Palindromic Primes without 11

Python 2, 76 73 72 70 69 68 bytes

while n:m*=k/c;k+=c;n-=`k`==`k`[::~m%k-c]
print k

Thanks to @WheatWizard for golfing off 3 bytes!

Thanks to @ØrjanJohansen for golfing off 1 byte!

Thanks to @xnor and @ØrjanJohansen for paving the way to 68 bytes!

Input is 0-indexed. Try it online! or verify the first 31 test cases.


Recall that Wilson's theorem states that for all integers p > 1,

meaning that (p - 1)! + 1 is evenly divisible by p if and only if p is prime.

If p > 1 is not prime, it is composite; let q be the smallest prime divisor of p. Clearly, q ≤ p/q. There are two cases:

  • If q = p/q, we have that p = q².

    If q = 2, (p - 1)! = 3! = 6, so (p - 1)! is congruent to 2 modulo p.

    If p/q = q > 2, so 2q < p. This way, q and 2q are both among 1, …, p - 1, whose product is the factorial of p - 1, so 2p = 2q² = q · 2q divides (p - 1)! evenly.

  • If q < p/q, q and p/q are both among 1, …, p - 1, so p = q · p/q divides (p - 1)! evenly.

Summing up,

for all integers p > 1.

Now, for all integer congruences and all integers a, b, and c, the following holds.

When a = -1, b = 11, and c = -1, we follow that

and, since 21 and -23 are congruent modulo 44 and -1 and 11p-1 are congruent modulo 11p, we arrive at the following conclusion.

For all possible values of p, the outcome (11, 21, or 11p - 1) will fall in the range 0, …, 11p - 1, so these values match those that will be returned by Python's % operator.

How it works

We initialize c, k, and m to 11 after the saving the input in n. c will be constant for the remainder of the program. Since there are three occurrences of c on the following line and assigning c costs only two bytes, this saves a byte. k can be thought of 11p using the meaning of p from the previous paragraph; initially, k = 11 = 11 · 1!. m takes the place of 11 · (p - 1)!; initially, m = 11 = 11 · 0!. k and m will satisfy the relationship m = 11 · (k/11)! at all times.

n represents the number of “Stephen's palindromes” we have to find. Since k = 11 initially, we can output k verbatim without further computation. However, when n is positive, we enter the while loop. The loop begins by multiplying m by k/c = p, then adding 11 to k, thus incrementing p. If k is a member of the sequence, we subtract 1 from n and start over. Once n reaches 0, we found the sequence member at the desired index and break out of the loop, then print the last value of k.

The expression


performs the actual test, and it's result (True / 1 for sequence members, 0 / False otherwise) is subtracted from n. As seen before, ~m % k = (-m - 1) % k = (-11 · (p - 1)! - 1) % 11p equals 10 if p is prime, 21 if p = 4, and 11p - 1 > 43 if p > 4 is composite. Thus, after subtracting c = 11, we're left with -1 for prime p and a positive integer larger than 9 otherwise.

For prime p, ​`k`[::-1] gives us the string representation of k with reversed digit order, so comparing it to ​`k`​ checks whether k is a palindrome. If it is, all conditions are fulfilled and k is a sequence member. However, if p is not prime, the large range step and the fact that k will always have more than one digit mean that ​`k`[::-1] cannot have the same number of digits as ​`k`​, let alone be equal to it.

Jelly, 18 13 bytes


For some reason, this is much slower than my initial revision, despite doing exactly the same.

Try it online!

N = 127

dennis-home:~$ time jelly eun 'ṬÆẸש11ŒḂµ#ṛ®' <<< 127

real    1m43.745s
user    1m43.676s
sys     0m0.113s

How it works

ṬÆẸש11ŒḂµ#ṛ®  Main link. No arguments.

         µ     Combine all links to the left into a chain.
          #    Read an integer n from STDIN and call the chain monadically, with
               argument k = 0, 1, 2, ... until n values of k result in a truthy
               output. Return the array of all matching values of k.
Ṭ                Untruth; yield [0, 0, 0, ..., 1] (k-1 zeroes followed by a 1) or
                 [] if k = 0.
 ÆẸ              Unexponents; consider the resulting array as exponents of the
                 sequence of primes and yield the corresponding integer. For k = 0,
                 this yields 1. For k > 0, it yields the k-th prime.
   ש11          Multiply the result by 11 and copy the product to the register.
       ŒḂ        Test if the product is a palindrome.
           ṛ®  Replace the resulting array with the integer in the register.

Brachylog, 17 bytes


Try it online!

This is 1-indexed.


:I{          }ᶠ⁽t    Find the Input'th result of the following:
   11                  Output = 11
     |                 Or
          ≜.           Output is an integer…
      ṗ×₁₁             …which is the result of multiplying a prime by 11…
           .↔          …and Output reversed is still the Output

Two realizations with this answer:

  • I need to fix the fact that superscript passing to metapredicates (with ) does not work if there is no input to pass (which is why I have to add :I).
  • I need to add a metapredicate to get the Nth result of a predicate (which would avoid using ᶠ⁽t and instead e.g. ⁿ⁽).

Implementing both changes would make that answer 14 bytes.