Pandas dataframe: Group by two columns and then average over another column

If you want to group by multiple columns, you should put them in a list:

columns = ['col1','col2','value']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
df.loc[0] = [1,2,3]
df.loc[1] = [1,3,3]
df.loc[2] = [2,3,1]

Or slightly more verbose, for the sake of getting the word 'avg' in your aggregated dataframe:

import numpy as np
columns = ['col1','col2','value']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
df.loc[0] = [1,2,3]
df.loc[1] = [1,3,3]
df.loc[2] = [2,3,1]
print(df.groupby(['col1','col2']).agg({'value': {'avg': np.mean}}))

You need to pass a list of the columns to groupby, what you passed was interpreted as the axis param which is why it raised an error:

In [30]:
columns = ['col1','col2','avg']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
df.loc[0] = [1,2,3]
df.loc[1] = [1,3,3]

col1 col2     
1    2       3
     3       3