Pandas plot bar order categories

The following code solved my problem:

df.CatVar.value_counts()[['Low', 'Medium', 'High']].plot(kind="bar")

There are 2 possible solutions - change order of index before plot - by reindex or loc:

df.CatVar.value_counts().reindex(["Low", "Medium", "High"]).plot(kind="bar")
df.CatVar.value_counts().loc[["Low", "Medium", "High"]].plot(kind="bar")

Or use ordered categorical, so after value_counts get order by categories parameter:

df.CatVar = pd.Categorical(df.CatVar, categories=["Low", "Medium", "High"], ordered=True)


df = pd.DataFrame({'CatVar':['Low','Medium','Low','Low','Medium','High']})
print (df)
0     Low
1  Medium
2     Low
3     Low
4  Medium
5    High

df.CatVar.value_counts().reindex(["Low", "Medium", "High"]).plot(kind="bar")


If you do not mind using seaborn, you can use countplot and it has parameter to pass the order:

import seaborn as sns

df = pd.DataFrame({'CatVar':['Low','High','Low','Low','Medium']})
sns.countplot(x='CatVar', data=df, order=['Low', 'Medium', 'High']);