pandas two columns is in two lists code example
Example 1: python how to Create Pandas Dataframe from Multiple Lists
# Short answer:
# The simplest approach is to make a dictionary from the lists and then
# to convert the dictionary to a Pandas dataframe.
# Example usage:
import pandas as pd
# Lists you want to convert to a Pandas dataframe
months = ['Jan','Apr','Mar','June']
days = [31, 30, 31, 30]
# Make dictionary, keys will become dataframe column names
intermediate_dictionary = {'Month':months, 'Day':days}
# Convert dictionary to Pandas dataframe
pandas_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(intermediate_dictionary)
Month Day
0 Jan 31
1 Apr 30
2 Mar 31
3 June 30
Example 2: pandas dataframe lists as columns
In [8]: data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'sin(x)': y})
In [9]: data
x sin(x)
0 0.000000 0.000000e+00
1 0.349066 3.420201e-01
2 0.698132 6.427876e-01
3 1.047198 8.660254e-01
4 1.396263 9.848078e-01
5 1.745329 9.848078e-01
6 2.094395 8.660254e-01
7 2.443461 6.427876e-01
8 2.792527 3.420201e-01
9 3.141593 1.224647e-16
[10 rows x 2 columns]