Pandoc cannot parse equation with a fraction

Beside that $$...$$ syntax is not recommended in LaTeX, it is unclear what are you doing really.

There are not an input latex file in the command line, but guessing that is


Saving this as test.tex, then:

pandoc -f latex -t html  test.tex

Producing this output:

<p><br /><span class="math display">$$\frac{1}{2}$$</span><br /></p>

Adding -s -o test.html only will save this inside a complete XHTML file, but of course, without rendering in any way.

Guessing that you want really is render the math display class with Mathjax in a browser, then you should run:

pandoc -f latex  --mathjax  -t html test.tex -s -o test.html

firefox test.html

Output in Firefox:


Including the --mathjax flag fixed this:

The default is to render TeX math as far as possible using Unicode characters. Formulas are put inside a span with class="math", so that they may be styled differently from the surrounding text if needed. However, this gives acceptable results only for basic math, usually you will want to use --mathjax or another of the following options.