Parameter 0 of method setUserService in <method> required a bean of type <service> that could not be found

You are looking for UserService with @Qualifier(value = "userService") here:

@Qualifier(value = "userService")
public void setUserService(UserService userService) {
    this.userService = userService;

but you don't have it, since your UserServiceImpl annotated as @Service without providing it's id.

To set id to your your UserServiceImpl, you need to annotate it with @Service("userService"). But if you have a single UserService implementation, just delete @Qualifier(value = "userService") from setter, because it's redundant.

And it seems to me, it's not the only place, where you have to remove a @Qualifier.

@Qualifier annotation is needed to select exact bean if you have a number of beans of the same type. If you have a single one, you don't need to use it.