Parentheses while calling a method in Vue

This is explained pretty well in

Basically, the event handler can be either

  • a method name, such as @input="changeName"
  • a valid Javascript statement, such as @input="changeName()" or @input="userName = 'Name '+Math.random()"

Vue performs checking automatically to detect which case it is.

If you interested, checkout out this core codes at .

var handlerCode = isMethodPath
  ? ("return " + (handler.value) + "($event)")
  : isFunctionExpression
    ? ("return (" + (handler.value) + ")($event)")
    : handler.value;

That's true that both cases are valid in Vue. But there are some differences.



The event object gets passed to the event handler as the first argument when binding only the method name as the event handler.


Alternatively, an actual method call can be used as an event handler. This allows you to pass any custom arguments to the method.