Partition a Set into smaller Subsets and process as batch

With Guava:

for (List<String> partition : Iterables.partition(yourSet, 500)) {
    // ... handle partition ...

Or Apache Commons:

for (List<String> partition : ListUtils.partition(yourList, 500)) {
    // ... handle partition ...

Do something like

private static final int PARTITIONS_COUNT = 12;

List<Set<Type>> theSets = new ArrayList<Set<Type>>(PARTITIONS_COUNT);
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITIONS_COUNT; i++) {
    theSets.add(new HashSet<Type>());

int index = 0;
for (Type object : originalSet) {
    theSets.get(index++ % PARTITIONS_COUNT).add(object);

Now you have partitioned the originalSet into 12 other HashSets.