Partition Array such that difference of sum of both parts should be minimum code example

Example: partition array for maximum sum

// Let k be 2
    // Focus on "growth" of the pattern
    // Define A' to be a partition over A that gives max sum
    // #0
    // A = {1}
    // A'= {1} => 1
    // #1
    // A = {1, 2}
    // A'= {1}{2} => 1 + 2 => 3 X
    // A'= {1, 2} => {2, 2} => 4 AC
    // #2
    // A = {1, 2, 9}
    // A'= {1, 2}{9} => {2, 2}{9} => 4 + 9 => 13 X
    // A'= {1}{2, 9} => {1}{9, 9} => 1 + 18 => 19 AC
    // #3
    // A = {1, 2, 9, 30}
    // A'= {1}{2, 9}{30} => {1}{9, 9}{30} => 19 + 30 => 49 X
    // A'= {1, 2}{9, 30} => {2, 2}{30, 30} => 4 + 60 => 64 AC
    // Now, label each instance. Use F1() to represent how A is partitioned and use F2() to represent
    // the AC value of that partition. F2() is the dp relation we are looking for.
    // #4
    // A = {1, 2, 9, 30, 5}
    // A'= F1(#3){5} => F2(#3) + 5 => 69 X
    // A'= F1(#2){30, 5} => F2(#2) + 30 + 30 => 79 AC
    // => F2(#4) = 79


Misc Example