pass 2 values to a javascript function

If I understand correctly, your question is simply: how do javascript functions receive multiple arguments?

This is easy, just separate them by a comma in your function declaration, and pass multiple values, again separated by comma in the function call:

function myFunc(one, two) {
    alert(one); alert(two);


If you don't know in advance how many arguments to pass/receive, just declare the function without arguments, and use the built-in arguments array inside the function definition:

function myFunc(){
    for (var i=0, numArgs = arguments.length; i<numArgs; i++){

The approach above is nice if you need to pass a list of values that are all equal, but when you have to deal with multiple arguments and some of them are optional, a better approach is to pass an object literal, and add the 'arguments' as properties:

function myFunc(obj){
    if (typeof(obj.arg1)!="undefined") {
    if (typeof(obj.arg2)!="undefined") {
    ...more handling...

    arg1: "one"
,   arg2: "two"
,   ...more properties...

In JavaScript, you don't need to declare variable types in parameter lists. So, your function would be:

function getVote(myInt, name) {

Make sure, though, when sending your value to the server, use myInt.toString() instead of just myInt, as you did with name.

function getVote(int, name)
    if (xmlhttp==null)
        alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request");

This variables are all ready defined in your function once you get them as parameters.
My code will alert them to show you they are deined

You probably want to enclose the title in quotes. Let's say you have a row with aid 123 and title Hello World. You want to have onclick="getVote(123,'Hello World')"

