pass array of conditions to doctrine expr()->orx() method

You can also use ... in php like:

$conditions = array('e.type = x', 'e.type = Y', 'e.type = N');
$criteria = Criteria::create();

@DEY his answer can be simplified. No need for the foreach, this also works:

$conditions = array('e.type = x', 'e.type = Y', 'e.type = N');

$orX = $qb->expr()->orX();


I hope so, then I found this :

$conditions = array('e.type = x', 'e.type = Y', 'e.type = N');
$orX = $qb->expr()->orX();

foreach ($conditions as $condition) {

$qb->add('where', $orX);

Using @meze suggestion, you can simplify the code and replace the foreach statement with:


I knew that tommarow gonna be a better day. The solution is simple. Your can make array of OR expressions like so

$ors[] = $qb->expr()->orx('e.type = '.$qb->expr()->literal($value));

And then just add it to andWhere()/Where() method of the query builder via join method like so:

$qb->andWhere(join(' OR ', $ors));