Pass extra parameters to an event handler?

private void setup(string someData)
     Object.assignHandler((sender) => evHandler(sender,someData));
public void evHandler(Object sender, string someData)
    // need someData here!!!

Captured variables:

private void setup(string someData)
    Object.assignHandler((sender,args) => {
        evHandler(sender, someData);

public void evHandler(Object sender, string someData)
    // use someData here

Or (C# 2.0 alternative):

    Object.assignHandler((EventHandler)delegate(object sender,EventArgs args) {
        evHandler(sender, someData);

you can try doing this:

string yourObject;

theClassWithTheEvent.myEvent += (sender, model) =>
 yourObject = "somthing";

I had a hard time figuring out @spender's example above especially with: Object.assignHandler((sender) => evHandler(sender,someData)); because there's no such thing as Object.assignHandler in the literal sense. So I did a little more Googling and found this example. The answer by Peter Duniho was the one that clicked in my head (this is not my work):


The usual approach is to use an anonymous method with an event handler that has your modified signature. For example:

void Onbutton_click(object sender, EventArgs e, int i) { ... }

button.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) 
{ Onbutton_click(sender, e, 172); };

Of course, you don't have to pass in 172, or even make the third parameter an int. :)


Using that example I was able to pass in two custom ComboBoxItem objects to a Timer.Elapsed event using lambda notation:

simulatorTimer.Elapsed +=
(sender, e) => onTimedEvent(sender, e,
(ComboBoxItem) cbPressureSetting.SelectedItem,
(ComboBoxItem) cbTemperatureSetting.SelectedItem);

and then into it's handler:

static void onTimedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e, ComboBoxItem pressure, ComboBoxItem temperature)
        Console.WriteLine("Requested pressure: {0} PSIA\nRequested temperature: {1}° C", pressure, temperature);

This isn't any new code from the examples above, but it does demonstrate how to interpret them. Hopefully someone like me finds it instructive & useful so they don't spend hours trying to understand the concept like I did.

This code works in my project (except for a non-thread-safe exception with the ComboBoxItem objects that I don't believe changes how the example works). I'm figuring that out now.