Pass values of checkBox to controller action in mvc4

For some reason Andrew method of creating the checkbox by hand didn't work for me using Mvc 5. Instead I used this


to create a checkbox that would play nice with the controller.

If a checkbox is checked, then the postback values will contain a key-value pair of the form [InputName]=[InputValue]

If a checkbox is not checked, then the posted form contains no reference to the checkbox at all.

Knowing this, the following will work:

In the markup code:

<input id="responsable" name="checkResp" value="true" type="checkbox" />

And your action method signature:

public ActionResult Index(string responsables, bool checkResp = false)
    //Do Something

This will work because when the checkbox is checked, the postback will contain checkResp=true, and if the checkbox is not checked the parameter will default to false.

try using form collection

<input id="responsable" value="True" name="checkResp" type="checkbox" /> 

public ActionResult Index(FormCollection collection)
        string checkResp=collection["checkResp"];
        bool checkRespB=Convert.ToBoolean(checkResp);
