Passing a list of int to a HttpGet request

If you are using MVC WebAPI, then you can declare your method like this:

public int GetTotalItemsInArray([FromQuery]int[] listOfIds)
       return listOfIds.Length;

and then you query like this:

this will match array [1, 2, 3] into listOfIds param (and return 3 as expected)

Here's a quick hack until you find a better solution:

  • use "?listOfIds=1,2,5,8,21,34"
  • then:
GetValuesForList(string listOfIds)
    /* [create model] here */
    //string[] numbers = listOfIds.Split(',');
    foreach(string number in listOfIds.Split(','))
    /* [create response for model] here */

In addition to @LiranBrimer if you are using .Net Core:

public ActionResult<int[]> GetTotalItemsInArray([FromQuery]int[] listOfIds)
       return Ok(listOfIds);