Passing a std::array of unknown size to a function

Is there a simple way to make this work, as one would with plain C-style arrays?

No. You really cannot do that unless you make your function a function template (or use another sort of container, like an std::vector, as suggested in the comments to the question):

template<std::size_t SIZE>
void mulArray(std::array<int, SIZE>& arr, const int multiplier) {
    for(auto& e : arr) {
        e *= multiplier;

Here is a live example.

The size of the array is part of the type, so you can't do quite what you want. There are a couple alternatives.

Preferred would be to take a pair of iterators:

template <typename Iter>
void mulArray(Iter first, Iter last, const int multiplier) {
    for(; first != last; ++first) {
        *first *= multiplier;

Alternately, use vector instead of array, which allows you to store the size at runtime rather than as part of its type:

void mulArray(std::vector<int>& arr, const int multiplier) {
    for(auto& e : arr) {
        e *= multiplier;


C++20 tentatively includes std::span

Original Answer

What you want is something like gsl::span, which is available in the Guideline Support Library described in the C++ Core Guidelines:

You can find an open-source header-only implementation of the GSL here:

With gsl::span, you can do this:

// made up example
void mulArray(gsl::span<int>& arr, const int multiplier) {
    for(auto& e : arr) {
        e *= multiplier;

// lets imagine these being full of numbers
std::array<int, 17> arr1;
std::array<int, 6>  arr2;
std::array<int, 95> arr3;

mulArray(arr1, 3);
mulArray(arr2, 5);
mulArray(arr3, 2);

The problem with std::array is that its size is part of its type, so you'd have to use a template in order to implement a function that takes an std::array of arbitrary size.

gsl::span on the other hand stores its size as run-time information. This allows you to use one non-template function to accept an array of arbitrary size. It will also accept other contiguous containers:

std::vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4};
int carr[] = {5, 6, 7, 8};

mulArray(vec, 6);
mulArray(carr, 7);

Pretty cool, huh?